Friday, March 13, 2009

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Why You Are Failing In MLM!

Here are some of the reasons i believe some MLM marketers

# 1 No Up-line Support After Being Sponsored.

Many people fail in their MLM marketing programs because
they don't get the full support needed from their up-line.
When you join any MLM program, you are vulnerable and will
need help from someone or something.

In many cases your up-line will not help you.This happens
when your up-line is sponsoring as many people as they can
and does not care about what happens to them after they
have been sponsored.

As a new person in any MLM business program, It is vitally
important that you get immediate assistance from your
up-line or some tool that will assist you, else your chances
of survival in this industry will be very slim.

# 2 New MLM marketers cannot sell.

Most new MLM marketers cannot sell by using the old school
techniques. By using the old school techniques, you must
sell and learn how to speak at opportunity meetings and
house parties etc. etc. This is one of the reasons people
fail to make it in MLM. They were not cut out to be
salesmen and find it difficult to approach people.

# 3 MLM'er Cannot Generate Quality Leads For Their

The next reason many people fail in MLM is their ability to
generate quality leads. You have just signed up in a MLM
program you believe is exciting. You are taught by the
manuals and some meetings occasionally, how to present your
product or service to your friends, neighbors and family.

Normally, you may not be comfortable with this idea. And
you may have many restless nights tossing and turning,
simply because you don't want to impose on your friends and

You would feel much better presenting your opportunity to
strangers in a way you don't have to contact them
face-to-face. If your MLM marketing program is to be
promoted by any expensive methods, it may not be feasible
if you are unable to generate quality leads to build your

# 4 Not Having A True Duplication System.

Learning how to sell, speak and or conduct a business
meeting is not duplication. Only a few know how to do this,
and here is another reason why so many fail in their
efforts to build their business.

You need a system you can duplicate; not only for yourself
but a system you can pass down to your down-line making sure
they succeed along the way as well.

# 5 Selling Using Standard MLM Techniques.

The traditional way of marketing MLM businesses is to spend
all of your time calling and traveling around to get your
prospects. Most beginner marketers have a full time job and
it would be very hard on them to find extra time to travel
around and make calls. This is why these new marketers
can't keep their program going.

# 6 Finding A Established MLM Company.

Most times, a person would join a MLM marketing program
"full of excitement." After the fire cool down, then reality
slowly sets in on him. First find an established MLM
company that is at least two or so years old with products
or service that is in demand.

You will then feel good about your company and the products
or services you are promoting. And you will be able to tell
your prospective customers the complete truth about your
product or service.

# 7 They Don't Stick With The Business Long Enough.

Starting your MLM marketing program is going to take some
time, so if you are looking to get rich quick this is not
for you! You have take time to study the program, write or
receive literature, learn how to market your opportunity

You have spent a lot of time doing this. Then you have to
start generating leads to build your down line. It can take
several Months before anything start happening to your MLM
marketing business.

If you are getting into MLM, you should make up your mind
to stick with it for as long as possible. Because, once you
get it right, You have an income for life!

Author: Fitzgerald Elliott
Tired of losing money with your MLM business? I
was too! Now I finally see how the top earners DOMINATE in
MLM. Come see for yourself:

Thursday, February 19, 2009

What Drives People Into Multi Level Marketing?

It's the potential to become free from selling your labor
cheaply. It gives you the freedom you want to do whatever
you choose to, and it provides you with an income no
company will be willing to pay you.

As a home-based-business owner, you don't have a boss
breathing down your neck. You don't have any schedules to
meet, except your own. You can be there for your Family and
Friends, take vacations whenever you want to, there is no
pinching back on spending because you will be making money
even while you sleep, if done right.

You see, when you begin your MLM business from home, there
is no overhead expenses, no inventory, no shipping of
products. You don't even see your customer, if using today's

It is these combine forces that drives people into Multi
Level Marketing...

If you have decided to choose a Multi Level Marketing
program as your home-based-business opportunity, you must
be careful in your selection. You need a business system
that is going to work for you.

You must first understand your business begins within you
and not from any external forces. So you must first look
within yourself for your business ideas.

* What are your hobbies? * What are your main interest? * Do
you like selling things? * Are you comfortable
communicating with people? * What talents do you have? *
What have you learn in the past, that you can now turn that
knowledge into a business to work for you? etc.

To be really successful, you must choose a business model
that is fitting to your interest. One that you are very
passionate about.

Most people who started a Multi Level
Marketing home-based-business, started on a part-time
basis. Unless you are currently unemployed, this is a great
decision to make. Building your MLM business is going to
take time and it could take longer than you expect to start
generating any income.

Keeping your day job will ensure you still have an adequate
amount of funds to meet your house-hold demands and at the
sometime, give you the opportunity to establish your

The MLM industry started back in the 1950's or earlier,
with nutritional, household and cosmetic products etc. But
the industry really got going in the 80's with the addition
of Insurance, long-distance telephone services and many
other products and services.

As the twenty-first century approached with it's
improvements in technology, MLM'ers smiled because it help
their businesses tremendously. They can now recruit
prospects without approaching them directly. As a matter of
fact, you don't approach anyone now. They approach you, and
if you are using the right system, they pay you to be on
your list.

MLM businesses have acquired a bad reputation in the pass.
Like any beautiful garden, weeds sprang up among the
beautiful flowers, giving it a bad reputation. so you must
be very selective if you don't want to choose the weeds.

So when you are choosing your Multi Level Marketing
business Opportunity, choose one that has been in business
for a number of years. But this doesn't mean you should
over-look younger companies... it's just a matter of
looking before you leap. There are many scams (weed in the
beautiful garden) out there waiting you.

Make sure the opportunity you are buying into has a
training program in place. It must have a fair compensation
plan and products or services that have been tested and
proven to be successful.

Last but not least, Don't expect your business to work for
you. You must first work your business, bringing it to the
stage where it can work for you. This is when you are able
to make money while you sleep, take vacations 2-3 times a
year. Yes! This is when your business is now running on

Hope this little information will keep you away from the

MLM finally exposed! What they aren't telling you about MLM.
Learn how to get paid on the 95% who are going to say NO
to your biz opp:

Fitzgerald Elliott's Facebook profile

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

MLM Business - Is A MLM Business Right For Me?

A "Multi Level Marketing" home based business can be a
lucrative option for the beginner. But you should be aware
of the type of MLM business opportunity you are getting
into. They are many scams out there!

You need to look at the positives and negatives sides of
any MLM business opportunity you may be choosing for your
home based business, to discover if it's the right one for
you or not.

Making sure you are involved in a legitimate
MLM business is very important. You will be keeping
yourself out of trouble.

Any legitimate "Multi Level Marketing" system will involve
selling a product or service, through the recommendations
of independent representatives. If you are representing a
company, you will get a commission on any sales produce by
your endorsements.

Determining if your MLM home based business is genuine can
be difficult and confusing, because they are so many
pyramid schemes out there, that are similar to a legitimate
MLM home based business.

Any pyramid scheme is illegal and if you get involved, you
could find yourself in trouble

The only way to get around this is to do your research into
the MLM home based business you may be considering. That
will make sure the kind of business you are getting
involved with, is a legal business.

If you find that your investment is proportioned to the
product or service you are selling, your business could a
valid one.

They are many great benefits in having a "Multi level
Marketing" business. First to begin with, you will be
working from the comfort of your own home. You can set your
own working hours and have all the time you like with your

You don't have to invest money in creating products or
services; the merchant has already done this for you. He
will even provide you with a marketing plan.

Many have failed through not being able to market their
product or service effectively, but with "Multi Level
Marketing", your problem will not be the marketing of
products or services, but generating enough quality leads
for your business.

However, If you have good leadership skills and can be a
self-starter, your MLM home based business will pose very
little problems, for you.

Having your very own "Multi level Marketing" Business, you
have become your own boss. You are now free to live out
your dreams and enjoy the life style you truly desire.

You do not have to have any previous experience to begin
your MLM home based business. They are many systems out
there, especially, "MLM Kickstart Formula" that will take
you by the hand, and teach you the ropes step-by-step and
with many video tutorials.

As i said before, do your research to ensure you have a
legal "Multi Level Marketing" home based business. That way
you will truly be able to enjoy the freedom and fruits of
your business.

But hey! I have done all of that hard work and research for
you. All you need to do is follow the link below!

Fitzgerald. MLM finally exposed! What they aren't telling
you about MLM. Learn how to get paid on the 95% who are
going to say NO to your biz opp:

Fitzgerald Elliott's Facebook profile

Monday, February 2, 2009

Multi Level Marketing -Truth On Multi Level Marketing!

You may have heard others talking about their "Multi Level
Marketing" programs and decided you want to give it a try.
Well, I'm here to tell you they are many programs out there
you can join. But which one is the right one for me to
join, you may be asking?

That's a good question; You just have to follow your
intuition. Your business begins within you, and you will be
attracted to your business opportunity.

But i could give you a few tips to get you thinking on the
right track.

Most people venturing into "Multilevel Marketing" fail. The
reason for this failure is because they ran out of money to
run their business. since they could not fund their
businesses, they gave up.

What they did not realize is that, "residual income" takes
time to grow before it can start to flow. you see, you need
a system that is going to generate a profit for you up
front, so you will be able to fund your business for the
long term.

Another reason why so many fail, is the lack of proper
training. Many are still using the old outdated methods of
marketing their "Multi level Marketing" business. You may
know what I'm talking about; chasing after friends and
family, going to Gas stations, super markets etc. Trying to
recruit people into their business.

The way we do it today is different. Instead of chasing
after prospects, you now have them chasing after you. Not
only that, they are paying you to be on your list. How that
sound to you my friend? It's true, I'm doing it daily.

You need to choose your system correctly, else you may fail
in your attempt to achieve your goals. As i said they are
many programs out there you can join. But you don't want a
program, after spending your money, to leave you to figure
out how things for your self.

You need a system that is going to teach you how to use
your system, step - by- step, and how to get the word out
about your business.

The idea here, is to choose a marketing system that is
going to allow you to brand yourself as a leader. Your
prospects are looking for leaders and you must be able to
Brand yourself as a leader.

Most of us are not comfortable approaching people trying to
sell them something. We all hate rejection! So how will you
get around this?

You need a system that already have in place, pre-written
emails, and your add copy, set up in your autoresponder
waiting to be sent out to your prospects for you. This is
how you will begin to brand your self as a leader! Through
the autoresponder series of follow-up emails.

Another very important aspect you should be looking for in
a system is "tracking". You will need a system that has
"tracking in place. With "tracking", you will be able to
tell at a glance, where to place your marketing efforts

You wouldn't want to waste your precious time marketing in
unproductive areas. The professional marketers always keep
track of everything they do. By doing this, you will come
to know what will work and what will not.

As i said earlier, many people abandon their businesses
because they ran out of the necessary funds to fund
their business for the long term. But if you follow my
advice, this will not happen to you!

It is vitally important for your business success, to have
multiple streams of income in place , so you are not
dependent on one source only. If something had to go wrong
with one of your streams of income, you won't have to bother
much. This is the beauty in building your business the
correct way...

You need an automated system in place. Your system should
be able to lead your prospects from the beginning to the
end, on autopilot. Without such, your marketing system is
not much help to you.

You need your time to concentrate your energies into doing
the money making activities that is going to keep you in
the business for the long term.

Any proper "Multi Level Marketing" system should have all
of these qualities in place.

I would like you to take me up on a training session, where
you get to test drive a system for two weeks. A system you
will love at first sight, a system with "First Class
Training", where you can hand down to your downline, to
stop them from dropping out of your program.

Hope this article was informative... Thanks for reading!

Author: Fitzgerald Elliott. MLM finally exposed! What they
aren't telling you about MLM. Learn how to get paid on the
95% who are going to say NO to your biz opp:

Fitzgerald Elliott's Facebook profile

Friday, January 30, 2009

MLM genealogy leads- Be Vigilant When Buying Your MLM Genealogy list!

MlM genealogy leads can be an effective way of building
your network business fast. One of the biggest problems
facing networkers today, is recruiting new prospects into
their business. But if you have a MLM genealogy leads list,
you may be able to get prospects to join you in your net
work business model much quicker.

However, you should know that MLM genealogy leads is far
from being perfect. The person you call on your list, may
be satisfied with their current opportunity, and may not be
looking for another one at present.

They could be a wholesale customer or not working in the
business. They could be inactive or may have even give up
on the industry altogether.

A big threat to working MLM genealogy leads is the
Do-Not-Call Registry. Recently, the number of phone numbers
registered under Do-Not-Call Registry surpassed 100
million. That number is very important, because the
Registry has only been in operation for a few years now.

Apparently, some of these people are getting more wiser
into the kind of marketing being offered to them daily.
Some of their opinions may be based on generalizations, and
experiences they may have had in the past.

A study carried out on over 100,000 MLM genealogy leads
through the DNC scrubbing process, shows that approximately
one-third of the people on the list, were on the
Do-Not-Call Registry. In some North Eastern states, that
number even reached up to over 50%.

So if you are planning on purchasing MLM genealogy leads,
protect yourself by having your list scrubbed against the
Do-Not-Call Registry. Some companies are already providing
this service for you. All you have to do is, make sure that
you are dealing with a reputable company.

Even with these flaws, there are still reasons to work your
MLM genealogy leads. Because They are inexpensive when
compared to most MLM lead sources.

If you are lucky to land a big player, it can be the best
thing that could ever happen to your MLM business. It can
be stated that MLMleads are the lifeblood of many network
marketers. Especially those who don't know how to generate
their leads for Free.

Over the past few years, MLM leads have become the key
component of building a downline. As the demand for these
MLM leads has grown, the quality of Leads has suffered.

Many lead capture pages are designed to get anyone to fill
out the form. Some list brokers have sold their MLM leads
many times, over and over, causing the people who filled
out a form inquiring about a business opportunity, to get
bombarded with phone solicitations.

Some people who are on MLM leads put down false
information, they register with the Do Not Call Directory,
and will say they never filled out a form. They only do
this so they can be left alone. But in reality, they may
still be interested in a business opportunity, working from

There are so many ways to grow your business online.
Working MLM genealogy leads use to be one of the major
methods for doing this. There are also many types of leads,
as well as leads companies.

Understand that no lead list is all perfect. There are many
drawbacks and benefits to each one of them. Know whom you
are buying them from; see if they are really MLM genealogy
leads, their conversion rate, and if they are DNC scrubbed.
This will help you minimize any future headaches when
buying your leads.

I highly recommend you generate your own leads. This is
what i do in my business daily. Some weeks i can generate
50 - 100 FREE leads, and have fun doing it. It's easy when
you have the know how!

Author: Fitzgerald Elliott.
MLM finally exposed! What they aren't telling you about MLM.
Learn how to get paid on the 95% who are going to say NO
to your biz opp:

Fitzgerald Elliott's Facebook profile

Thursday, January 29, 2009

"Home-Based MLM Business Opportunity"

Is it possible to start a "Home-Based MLM Business
opportunity over the Internet? “Yes!” Everything is
possible with the Internet, especially in modern business

But is a "Home-Based MLM Business Opportunity" feasible
and profitable? "Yes!"

How can I succeed in this kind of business? Read on..

Are you ready to take a ride into the four-step procedures
toward a successful home-based MLM business? I believe

Step # 1. Start Recruit First:

Why do you have to recruit first instead of doing other
things? Because "Home-Based MLM Business Opportunities" are
network marketing. It is composed of a upline and a

Uplines are independent representatives, who recruits
another independent representative, who they will use in
the direct selling of goods and services to customers.

Put simply, the recruiter is the upline. He get his commission
on the sales of the other independent representatives.
Those whom he recruited...

On the other hand, the recruited independent representatives are the
downlines. A "Home-Based MLM Business opportunity" is a
commission-based joint effort of uplines and downlines.

This is one of the main reason why both uplines and
downlines must work together. Without the other, the whole
business force will collapsed. It will not function.

This means, Both parties share the same level of importance
or significance to the group. Try to imagine a "Home-Based
MLM Business Opportunity" without uplines and downlines? It
does not seem right, does it?

If you do not recruit independent representatives, or if
they are not working effectively, there will be no income
for you, no consumption of products and services, no one to
market the products and services and no one will cater the

Step # 2. Maintain minimum sales.

"Home-Based MLM Business Opportunities" are simple but
requires careful analysis of the sales income. You have to
be a mathematician on this part, to be able to calculate
your expenses and revenues.

Everyday, independent representatives market their products
and services. So make it a habit to tally the income entering
everyday and the expenses leaving by the hour.

Step # 3. Monitoring the consumption of products and

Check your inventory. There is no further explanation
needed as it is stated clearly enough. This simply means
maintaining the minimum stock of products you have
available, to avoid running out of stock.

Step # 4. Train your downline regularly.

In every field, learning is most required! Even if you are
a teacher, you still need to study and learn, as new
techniques come about. The thing here is to have a constant
training schedule for your downlines.

Study shows that a well-instructed downline creates a
"Major Difference" than the downline with stagnant
information in mind.

Constant study really pays at the end. Some of the
recommended topics are: proper customer treatment, how to
communicate effectively, business ethics, and
everything that is needed to help them build their
"Home-Based MLM Business".

If you have taken into account all the procedures needed to have
a successful "Home-Based MLM Business opportunity", then you
are now ready to establishing your business career.

The formulas are already in your hands. All that you need
to do now, is to get it into effect. The only thing missing
to complete the "Home-Based MLM Business Opportunity" is

Author:Fitzgerald Elliott - Free Training!
MLM finally exposed! What they aren't telling
you about MLM. Learn how to get paid on the 95% who are
going to say NO to your biz opp:

Fitzgerald Elliott's Facebook profile